Water tests for filter selection

Vandens tyrimai vandens filtro parinkimuiWater testing is the first step to do if a person wants to install water filters. As one of the most common compounds on Earth, water is essential to the existence of life. Its high quality not only prolongs and improves humans' health, but also protects household devices from deposits, which affects their efficiency and longevity. A qualitative water test is necessary to find out what level of contamination water comes from private boreholes, wells or other sources. Drinking water is considered safe for consumption if it is free of micro-organisms, parasites or substances that may cause health risks. According to hygiene standards, water must be odourless, colourless and tasteless. Experts advise that well and borehole water should be tested at least once or twice a year, as the water in these sources tends to change over

Water tests are the first step in in the water filter selection. One of the main causes of filter failure is incorrectly selected water filters. This can happen because of few reasons, for example:

1) Poorly conducted water tests that do not reflect the actual chemical composition of the water. This can be due to poor quality reagents.

2) Poorly taken water sample

3) Company incompetence and failure to keep up to date with the latest trends, leading to the wrong choice of water filters.

Our teamProfessionally advice on both water testing and filter selection, over the phone and by email. Alternatively, if you don't have the opportunity to deliver a water test to us, it is possible for us to come on the spot and test your water for you.

If water tests have already beed done, the table below gives you a preliminary indication of what will have to be removed from the water.

Chemical compound

Maximum limit

Chlorides (Cl-)

< 250 (mg/l)

Sulphates (SO42-)

< 250 (mg/l)

Nitrites (NO2-)

< 0,5 (mg/l)

Nitrates (NO3-)

< 50 (mg/l)

Natris (Na+)

< 200 (mg/l)

Potassium (K+)

Not regulated

Calcium (Ca2+)

Not regulated

Magnesium (mg2+)

Not regulated

Ammonium (NH4+)

< 0,5 (mg/l)

Total iron (Fe)

< 0,2 (mg/l)

Manganese (Mn)

< 50 (μg/l)

Arsenic (As)

< 10 (μg/l)

Total hardness

Not regulated for consumption and up to a maximum of 3 for household appliances (mg-ekvl/l)

Hydrogen ion concentration

Range is from 6.5 to 9 (pH)

Electrical conductivity

< 2500 (mS/cm20oC)

Permanganate index

< 5 (mgO2/l)

For a more detailed information on safety and quality requirements for drinking water, see here.

If you still need to test water, please fill in the form below and we will contact you!

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