Kaip išsirinkti vandens filtrą? Daugeliui mintyse skamba ši mintis pamačius tai, jog vandens kokybė būste nėra patenkinama. Šiuolaikinėje vandens filtrų rinkoje yra gausu įvairiausių filtravimo produktų ir paslaugų, todėl išsirinkti patį tinkamiausią sau gali būti sudėtinga. Vandens filtrų pasirinkimas reikalauja daug specifinių žinių, kurių įprastai žmonės neturi. Tai gali privesti prie tokių klaidų, jog įsigyti vandens filtrai pilnai neišfiltruos vandens, or will require annual servicing,without which filters will not work reliably. To avoid or minimise not only the problems listed above, but also other possible surprises, read this article before buying a water filter. So, how to choose a water filter?
1. Test the water BEFORE buying a water filter
The first place to start is with water test. Testing your water will tell you how much and what unwanted substances are in your water. If you don't know what's in your water, how will you know what to filter out of it? Water testing will help you understand what type filters are need. Whether it will be water softening filters, iron removal , osmosis osmosis filters or simple cartridge water filters.
There are signs that may indicate certain water problems before water testing. White deposits on household appliances, such as a teapot, can signal that the water contains limestones. Brownish/yellowish marks on baths or toilets indicate excess of iron in the water. A bad smell in the water, which is similar rotten eggs, identifies an excess of hydrogen sulphide. There are also substances that cannot be detected in normal water consumption. Therefore, even if the water appears visually completely clean, the reality may not be the same. For example, nitrites, nitrates or ammonium do not leave any traces and cannot be detected without a more detailed water test, and their consumption is harmful to the human body. All these problems can be solved by different water filters. It would be logical to solve all the problems by one step, e.g. installing a softener, but leaving the problem of excess nitrates would not be a smart solution. First of all, the exact amounts of the excess elements in the water need to be found out.
How to take a water sample correctly for a test? You will need a clean plastic bottle or a jar. Ideally, you should choose a bottle that has not been previously used or contained anything but water. Once you have found a suitable tank for the water sample, turn on the cold water tap (not hot, not medium - cold). Let the water to run for 4-5 minutes to ensure that the water taken for testing is fresh. If the water is from a newly installed borehole, it may take up to a couple of weeks to drain it before doing a test. If it is from a new well, it should be pumped out at least once. Once you are sure that the water is totally fresh, fill the tank of your choice. The best amount is 1.5l - 5liters. Then close it with a tight-fitting lid and deliver it to the place where you will test the water. Once the water sample has been taken, it is recommended to deliver it immediately or as soon as possible to the laboratory of your choice. Water tests and filter selection can be carried out by us!
2. Decide for what purposes you will use filtered water
Think about whether you will use filtered water only for washing and other household purposes, or you will consume it for cooking and drinking? This will determine the types of water filtration systems you will need. Because it goes without saying that the water you will use for consumption must be of the highest quality and meet all hygiene requirements.
3. Estimate water consumptions
Calculate your approximate water consumption per month; if it is difficult to get exact figures, take into account the number of people who will be living in the house and using the water regularly. Also consider whether you will want to use filtered water to fill your hot tub or swimming pool, for example during the summer, as if this is not taken into account, the filter may not work properly for some time due to poorly estimated water consumption. The size of the water filters required will depend on the water consumption volumes.
4. Evaluate the space available for the future water filtration system
Today's boiler rooms are very compact and water filters are often only built once water quality problems have already started. This problem simply leaves no space available for the installation of filters. How to choose a water filter if space is limited? Our company offers a unique solution for those who have limited space to install a filter. If your water contains iron and lime, for example, instead of the standard three filters (iron removal two tanks and softening one) we can install only one filterwhich will serve both softening and iron removal functions. Not only will this filter save space, but in the future, if servicing is required, only one filter will need to be checked instead of three, which reduces running costs to a minimum! So, before you buy a filter, make sure you have enough space to install it.
5. Choose a water filter that would meet your expectations
If you have considered all the above recommendations, the last step for you is to choose the most suitable filtration system. This is the most important step as it will determine the quality of your water. Please provide us the information needed mentioned above by filling in the form below. We will present you the most accurate and individually optimal filter offer on the market. Common types of household water filters:
Waters softening filters: They remove excess of limestones, which leaves white marks. They can also remove extremely low levels of iron.
Iron removal water filters: removes large amounts of iron from the water, which also eliminates related problems such as metallic taste, unpleasant color of the water (yellowish/brownish colour) and bad smell (hydrogen sulphide).
Reverse osmosis: Tai pažangiausias vandens filtravimo sprendimas šiuo metu, kuris šalina iš vandens NUO 90% visų vandenyje esančių cheminių elementų, o filtravimo pabaigoje kasetės prisodrina vandenį mineralais.
Cartridge water filters: These are the simplest type of filters, usually designed to remove mechanical impurities from the water (larger stones, sand, etc.)
Benefits of clean filtered water
Water is an essential part of our daily lives. It is present in our food, in our environment and in our bodies. That's why it's so important to ensure high water quality, because it affects everything from our personal health to the overall tidiness of our households and the lifespan of our house devices. Clean water prevents the build-up of deposits that can reduce the efficiency of appliances, for example, limestones in water heating systems can lead to higher electricity bills. Also, the build-up of iron deposits in the pipes that carry water can reduce the flow (pressure) of water in the whole home. By filtering your water, you will reduce the time and effort needed to clean deposits and protect your household appliances from them, thus prolonging their life. You will also save financially by not having to replace them as often.