
Anionite media for removal of nitrates, nitrites, organics

Original price was: 300,00 €.Current price is: 269,00 €. Price with vat

Anionite media for removal of nitrates, nitrites and organic impurities is an ion-exchange resin. It is the perfect solution for those, who want to to filter water from organics, nitrates and nitrites. It also removes yellowish water color which is caused by organics. The balls of this resin are carefully designed to selectively remove certain ions from the water by anion exchange principle.

Pack - 25l

Svoris – 20kg

Lowest price for purchases of more than 1pc.

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About the media

Anijonitas filtrams nitratų, nitritų, organikos šalinimui yra jonų mainų derva. Tai puikus sprendimas vandens filtravimo nuo organikos, nitratų ir nitritų procesui. Šios dervos rutuliukai yra kruopščiai suprojektuoti taip, kad selektyviai pašalintų tam tikrus jonus iš vandens anijonų mainų būdu. Dėl savo patikimumo ir veiksmingumo „Lewatit” jonų mainų derva pirmauja visame pasaulyje gerinant vandens kokybę buitiniuose ir pramoninius objektuose.

Operating principle

Anion exchange is a chemical process that uses resin beads to remove negatively charged ions (in this case anions) from the incoming water. Think of these resin spheres as tiny sponges with specific areas that are designed to attract and hold organics, nitrites and nitrates. When the resin spheres come into contact with the incoming water, which contains other anions such as sulphates, nitrates or nitrites, the properties of the resin attract these anions and cause the spheres to swap places. In effect, the resin releases into the water the ions it held (in this case chloride) and attracts the anions (e.g. sulphates, nitrites, nitrates, organics) that were in the water to itself. This exchange process effectively cleanses the water of unwanted anions, leaving it perfectly purified. This method is commonly used in various industries, including water treatment, to remove harmful ions and purify water.


During backwash operation in the filter, the resin layer is expanded by 50-70 % of its volume for at least 10-15 minutes. During this time, the media is 'loosened' to ensure better absorption of the salt solution during the regeneration. In rare cases, the entire volume of aggregate (25 l) is required. In most cases, it is sufficient to add 5-7 litres of this media to your existing water filter to ensure that the anionite is able to remove nitrates, nitrites and organics from the water. Then, after the looseing process (backwash) comes the most important part operation - salt pumping. The concentrated salt solution is dripped onto the media. As the solution flows through the media, it "releases" the organic matter and nitrates it has accumulated and discharges them into the sewer. During the remaining operations, the aggregate is being prepared to filter the same ammount of organics nitrites and nitrates for further use with no trace of salt. It is important to note that salt does not enter the system and you will not feel any trace of it. During the regeneration process, American filters supply water by opening the inner bypass line (Chinese filters often completely shut off the water and leave no water in the house) to prevent salt from entering the system.


„Lewatit” jonų mainų dervos pasižymi daugybe privalumų, todėl jos pasirenkamos įvairioms valymo reikmėms. Vienas iš svarbiausių privalumų – didelis selektyvumas, leidžiantis tiksliai pašalinti konkrečius jonus iš vandens, taip užtikrinant išskirtinį jo grynumą. Nešvarus, gelsvą atspalvį turintis vanduo daugeliui teikia nehigieniška jausmą naudojantis vandeniu. Šis užpildas išsprendžia šią spalvos problemą, paversdamas vandeniu tyriai bespalviu! Taip pat anijonitas filtrams šalina iš vandens nitratus, nitritus, kurių vaikams iki 18 metų ir nėščioms moterims vandenyje negali būt iš vis. Tačiau, kaip ir bet kurie užpildai, anijonitas filtrams nitratų, nitritų, organikos šalinimui, turi ir trūkumų, į kuriuos reiktų atsižvelgti. Vienas iš svarbių trūkumų – galimas dervų užsiteršimas, kai laikui bėgant ant dervų paviršiaus kaupiasi surenkamos medžiagos, dėl to mažėja užpildo efektyvumas, kol ilgainiui jis tampa neefektyvus ir jį reikia keisti/papildyti.

Weight 20 kg


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