Bad and unpleasant water smell at home
Water is essential to our daily lives, but sometimes seemingly clean water can have an unpleasant smell. A bad smell can raise concerns about the quality and safety of water. Bad and unpleasant smells can come from different sources, the most common being borehole water, but regardless of the source, smelly water signals that there are problems that need to be solved. This article covers the most common reasons why water stinks and provides solutions on what to do to ensure clean and odorless water for all your needs.
The first thing to do to solve the problem of bad and unpleasant water smell is to identify which water stinks (cold or hot). If the stink comes from only hot water, and cold one is odorless, it means that the problem is related to the hot water preperation devices.
Why hot water stinks:
1. Too low boiler temperature.
Dažnu atveju boileriai būna didelės talpos, todėl palaikyti aukštą vandens temperatūrą juose reikalauja nemažų eksploatacinių kaštų. Dėl to, žmonės sumažina karšto vandens temperatūra. Iš pirmo žvilgsnio tai atrodo geras ir logiškas sprendimas norint sutaupyti. Bet toks sprendimas turi minusą. Sumažėjusi vandens temperatūra tampa palanki terpė veistis bakterijoms, nes jos paprasčiausiai nežūsta nuo karščio. Joms pradėjus veistis boileryje atsiranda prastas ir nemalonus vandens kvapas karštame vandenyje.
Solution: keep the boiler temperature higher to prevent bacteria from breeding.
2. Anode
Anode rod inside the boiler that decays over time can not only cause the water to smell bad and unpleasant, but can also cause the water to turn yellow. The anode is electrochemically more active than the steel walls of the boiler, so it reacts actively and wears out. It reacts to protect the walls of the heating appliance from corrosion.
Solution: remove decaying anode rod or buy a new heating appliance made of stainless steel without the decaying anode.
If bad smell comes from both cold and hot water, it means that the problem is related to the water source.
Why cold water stinks:
1. Rotten egg smell (hydrogen sulphide)
Reason: The most common cause of rotten egg smell in water is hydrogen sulphide gas. This gas is produced by sulphur bacteria that thrive in low-oxygen environments such as boreholes. It can also be produced by chemical reactions in water heaters. Hydrogen sulphide gives water a strong, unpleasant smell and can corrode plumbing pipes.
Solution: Install KDF technology filters that remove hydrogen sulphide odour. If the water not only smells bad but also has very high iron levels, it is possible to build iron removal that not only remove excess iron from the water, but also eliminate the bad smell of rotten eggs.
2. Iron smell
Reason: Excess iron can cause a metallic smell in the water. In many cases, large amounts of iron are found in borehole or well water.
Solution: Install Iron removal water filters. These filters not only remove iron, but also solves problems related to iron smell and other contaminants that can cause colour or taste problems.
3. Chlorine smell
Reason: Chlorine smell in water is usually caused by the disinfection process used to treat urban centralised water. High levels of chlorine can be particularly noticeable if you live near a water treatment plant.
Solution: Active coal filtrai puikiai pašalina chlorą iš geriamojo vandens, pagerindami jo skonį ir kvapą. Norint ne tik pašalinti kvapą, bet ir turėti puikios kokybės geriamą vandenį, galima įrengti atvirkštinio osmosis sistemas, kurios valo nuo 93% visų vandenyje esančių teršalų, o filtravimo pabaigoje prisotina vandenį mineralais.
Solving the problem of bad and unpleasant water smells in the home requires an understanding of the specific causes, which will help you choose the right solutions. There are many solutions to make water odourless, from simple activated coal filtrų ar kasetinių KDF filtrų, iki pažangių iron removal filters or osmosis systems. Professional advice and regular water testing can help to ensure water quality and tackle problems immediately.