Myths about water filters and water filtration

Mitai apie vandens filtrus ir filtravimą

Myths about water filters and water filtration often causes confusion and prevents you from making the right decisions to make your life easier and better for you and your home. In this article, we will outline the 10 main myths about water filters and their supplied water.

1. Water filter requires annual servicing

If you have bought a water filter from a poor brand (Chinese), then you will need annual servicing for a poor quality product. Otherwise, American-made water filters do not require any annual servicing and last a long time!

2. All water filters are the same.

Water filters vary greatly in terms of both the amount of water they can purify and the quality of purification. For example, filters installed under the kitchen cupboard and whole-house filters that connect to the water inlet of the house have different purposes and different filtration capacities. Which water filter is most suitable depends on your specific needs and the initial quality of your water source.

3. You should only filter water when it has a bad taste or smell.

Taste and smell are just two indicators of water quality. Many harmful pollutants are odourless and tasteless. For example, nitrites and nitrates can exceed the permitted limits by several times, but without special water testing no excess will be noticed. Reverse osmosis filters can ensure the removal of these hidden substances.

4. Well water does not require water filtration.

The reality is different. Well water can contain a wide range of contaminants, including bacterias, chemicals and organic compounds that enter the well through surface water. In order to use well water, it must be regularly tested.

5. Water softeners remove all the beneficial substances, making the water unhealthy to drink.

The minerals your body needs to function are largely not found in the water. You get them from the food. Such as meat, leafy greens, vegetables, fruit, etc. Water softening truly reduce mineral levels, but only of calcium and magnesium. The percentage of these elements in the water is extremely low and insignificant, while all other minerals that were in the water remain unchanged.

6. Water filtration systems are expensive and complex.

Water filters come in different types to suit different budgets and needs. They are usually easy to install and maintenance depends on the manufacturer of the product chosen. Cheaper (made in China) water filters require annual servicing as they are not of the same quality as more expensive (made in USA) filters. Investing more initially eliminates the need to worry about the running costs of the filters. More over, filters provide long term health benefits, reduces expancese on cleaning products, and the reduced number of broken appliances (heating appliances, kettles, dishwashers, etc.) far outweighs the initial investment. 

7. Water softening filters serve the same purpose as drinking water systems

Water softening filters and reverse osmosis systems are used for different purposes. Softeners only remove calcium and magnesium, as these are the elements that cause limescale deposits on household appliances. Reverse osmosis filters removes much wider range of contaminants, including various chemical elements, bacteria and micro-organisms.

8. The filter must be changed every 3-5 years.

This is another myth about filtration devices. Water filters are durable and only need to be replaced when they become ineffective. How long will it take to replace a water filter media depends on how the filter will be used. If the filter is from a good quality manufacturer and has been properly maintained, it can last more than 10-15 years.

9. The taste of the water becomes worse after water filters installation.

Yes, the taste does change because the water chemical composition changes, but jis netampa prastesnio skonio. Vieniems žmonėms jis atrodo neskanesnis, kitiems – skanesnis. Net ir stovint tokiam pačiam vandens filtrui dviejose skirtingose vietose, skonis gali skirtis, dėl skirtingų  cheminių elementų, kurie yra vandenyje. Tad nuomonė ar įsitikinimas, jog vandens skonis po vandens filtrų tampa blogas yra klaidingas, nes kiekvienas vandens šaltinis yra skirtingas. Taip pat kiekvienas žmogus turi savitą skonį, kas jam patinka ir kas ne. Thats why its false to say that filtered water is not tasty.

10. Boiling water removes all contaminants.

Boiling water effectively kills bacteria and parasites and removes lime deposits, but does not remove chemical pollutants such as lead, chlorine, or organic compounds. Therefore, if there is a need to purify water, it is recommended to purify water at whole house.

The team at provides only reliable and efficient water filtration solutions that fully meet all of our customers' needs, even the unique ones. We understand the importance of water quality and its impact on your life. That's why the water filters we offer are designed to remove a wide range of contaminants and ensure that you can get clean water in your home without any running costs! Don't let myths abouwater filters and water filtration mislead you. Contact us for a free water test and consultation and we'll provide the best option for you!

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