Activated carbon granules

136,00  Price with vat

Activated carbon granule media

Volume - 25l.

Weight - 20kg.

Lowest price for purchases of more than 1pc.

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Activated carbon granular media is widely used as absorbent in water treatment, and are commonly applied to improve water properties. For example, to remove unpleasant taste, smell and colour. The developed pore structure and large surface area of activated carbon ensure the effective use of carbon in removing residual chlorine from the incoming water, as well as high molecular weight organic compounds. The presence of compounds in the water determines the organoleptic properties of the water.

To avoid the lose of effectiveness and to ensure that the adsorptive properties of the activated carbon are used up to their full potential, it is necessary to carry out occasional backwashing.

For smaller purchases, please contact us by mobile phone or email.

You can read more about activated carbon granules here.

Weight 20 kg


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