Water filters for households .

Vandens filtravimo sistemos

What are the types of household water filters?

Water filters for the home are an indispensable commodity for new built houses. Especially for people who want to have high quality water. When choosing the right water filtration system for a building (house, apartment, townhouse, condominium or entire neighbourhood), it is important to take into account that water can be used for many different purposes. From commercial activities to drinking and food production. Optimal water quality is required for each specific application. This can be achieved through appropriate water filtration systems. These systems generally fall into two main categories:

1. Systems which Vandens filtrai namui tipaiare installed at the water inlet place

In other words, it's the place where water enters your home. These systems are designed for domestic and household use. For example, heating systems, hot water production (gas boilers, air-to-water systems, etc.), taps, faucets, shower cubicles, washing machines, dishwashers, humidifiers, etc. These filtration systems are called water softening filters or iron removal filters. Water from these systems is usually suitable for daily consumption if the water providers are Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Palanga, Alytus, Marijampolė, and other cities water suppliers. Because their supplied water chemical composition has met the maximum permissible hygiene limits. However, further testing would be needed to determine whether water from individually installed boreholes or shaft wells meets the quality requirements. This can be checked by doing a water testwhich we can do for free, or you can have your water tested at any independent water testing laboratory.

Atbulinio osmoso sistema RO-400-62. Systems that are installed at a specific location where water is used, for example, in the kitchen.

When building in the kitchen, the drinking water system is usually installed in the kitchen cupboard under the sink. A hole is drilled in the tabletop for a filtered water faucet, or instead of a standard faucet, a three-way faucet can be installed to supply hot, cold and filtrated water all in one. An under-sink filter requires electrical wiring (socket), and a connection to the waste water (usually connected to the sink's water drain pipe). A connection to the incoming cold water is also required. This is done by installing a trident valve, of which one branch connects to the drinking water filter. Such systems are also called as reverse osmosis systems. They ensure that water will be clean, safe and taste great! Read more about reverse osmosis here.

Vandens filtru namui issukiai

Water filters for house
What are the challenges and choices?

Water treatment requirements vary depending on how the water will be used. Regardless of the purpose, ensuring proper water quality is not easy. Without a proper assessment of what the water will be used for, it may become unsuitable for consumption or it may have to be used only for agricultural purposes. If you don't take into account when choosing a water filter that sometimes in summer you may want to fill your pool or hot tub with filtered water, you may have poor water in your house, as all the clean water you've prepared may end up in the swimming pool (for information on the working principle of water filters, click HERE). The filtered water in the house will only flow again after the filter regenerates, which usually happens automatically at night. Regeneration can also be forced by pressing the appropriate buttons on the filter valve, but from our experience, we can say that people who are familiar with the working principle of a water filter do not have such problems.

Water filters for a house are usually built in the presence of a municipal water supply, a borehole or a well water. 

Municipal water

Water coming from urban water supplies is usually already treated in the city's iron-removing treatment plants, but in some regions, even with a centralized supplier, the water quality indicators are not the highest quality, although they do not exceed the maximum permitted hygiene standards. Centralized water may be chlorinated as a result of treatment in treatment plants, but this is not normally the case in Lithuania. Iron rust can also be carried with the water, as it often still comes through old pipelines. Therefore, by having this type of water at your house it is usually enough to install a compact water filters, which would remove limestones and mechanical filter with a cartridge filterwhich would remove rust from incoming water pipes

Borehole water

Borehole water often has iron, manganese, ammonium and limestones in it. To remove the iron, it is necessary to determine what kind of iron it is. There are two possible options:

The first one - – standartinis ir daug metų naudojamas vandens filtravimo būdas name – dviejų kolonų nugeležinimo filterwhich removes iron, manganese, bad smells (rotten eggs), and mechanical impurities from water. However, with higher organic content (permanganate index), the filter will not work for a long time or may not work at all. The filter's media becomes contaminated with organic matter, and the result is that the filter's media does not recover well during regeneration. 

The second one – mūsų įmonės siūlomas nugeležinimo ir minkštinimo filter. Šis filtras yra brangesnis už paprastą nugeležinimo filter, but it not only removes iron, manganese, ammonium and organics, but also makes water soft (removes calx). Therefore, calculating the cost of installing iron removal and softener filtrus atskirai, šis variantas tampa patrauklesnis. Šis filtras turi vienintelį minusą, lyginant su standart deironer. Jis nešalina sieros vandenilio kvapo. Dėl to reiktų statyti atskira filtro Housingwhich is fixed to the wall. A bad smell elimination element is added to the housing - KDF cartridge

Jei gręžinio vandenyje nėra geležies, didelio mangano ar organinių priemaišų kiekių, jums užteks ir paprasto softener filtro kalkių šalinimui.

Well water

Paskutinis vandens šaltinis name yra šulinio vanduo. Didelėje Lietuvos dalyje šulinio vanduo iš pirmo vaizdo atrodo geras – bespalvis, bekvapis ir gero skonio. Tačiau ištyrus tokį vandenį dažnu atveju paaiškėja, jog jame yra nitritų ar nitratų, kurių vaikams iki 18 metų ir nėščiosioms moterims negali būti vandenyje išvis. Taip pat tokiame vandenyje gali būti kalkių, organinių priemaišų, patekusių iš paviršinio vandens arba bakterijų.  Sprendimo būdas kalkėms šalinti yra water softeners. They remove the hardness of water (lime). If other elements are found in the water, the filter can be filled with the additional water filter medias, of which the amount needed depends on the contamination of the water. Anionite for filters solves problems related to organic impurities in the water. If the water is chemically contaminated, a softening filter will not help. In this case, a reverse omsosis at the place of water use will be needed. Osmosis system will completely purify the water and make it clean, safe and tasty for a daily consumption.

Each case is unique, so the final system setup should be adjusted to your specific needs and requirements. Our company offers a wide range of products that allow us to flexibly address each customer's faced challenges.

Vandens filtrai

Water filters for house

Various technologies are now available to address different water quality problems. The most common description of these technologies is the term "water filter". Filters are categorised according to their application, i.e. the specific water problems they address. Each filter may differ in its principle of operation and design. Water treatment processes which can be done by our offered products:

Minkstinimo filtras

Water softeners for the home

Vandens minkštinimo filtrai yra būtini įrengimai tiems, kas nori kovoti su kietu vandeniu. Filtrai šalina iš atitekančio vandens kietumo elementus (kalcį ir magnį). Būtent dėl jų pradeda kištis vandentiekio vamzdynas ir buitinės paskirties prietaisuose gali pradėti kauptis apnašos. Šiose sistemose vyksta jonų mainų .During this process ions of hardness are replaced by sodium or potassium ions. Softened water is mild and good for the human skin, clothes and is beneficial for household devices. By preventing the formation of deposits, water softeners increase the efficiency and durability of devices such as water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines. Water softeners are ideal for both residential and commercial needs. A water softening filter is a reliable solution for improving water quality, reducing maintenance costs, and increasing the overall comfort of water use at the house. Water-softening filters are essential accessories for those people who want to deal with hard water. Softeners remove the hardness elements calcium and magnesium from the domestic water. These elements are the ones that start to clog up the pipes and cause deposits to accumulate in household devices. These systems work based on the ion exchange principle.

Atbulinio osmoso pusmetinis kasečių komplektas

Cartridge water filters for home

kasetiniai mechaniniai vandens filtrai namui yra svarbūs vandens filtravimo sistemų komponentai, užtikrinantys vandens švarumą ir saugumą jūsų būste! Šie filtrai, skirti naudoti tiek gyvenamosiose, tiek komercinėse objektuose, veiksmingai pašalina priemaišas, teršalus ir nepageidaujamas daleles, todėl gaunamas švarus ir puikaus skonio vanduo. Vandens kasetiniai filtrai gali būti įvairių tipų. Pavyzdžiui, nuosėdų filtrai, kurie pašalina nešvarumus ir rūdis, atsirandančias vandeniui atitekėjus senu vamzdynu. Anglies filtrai, kurie sumažina chloro, pesticidų ir organinių cheminių medžiagų kiekį bei pagerina vandens skonines savybes. Atbulinio osmoso (geriamo vandens sistemų) filtrai, mineralizatoriai ir jonizatoriai. KDF technologijos filtrai, kurie šalina iš vandens nemalonų sieros vandenilio (supuvusio kiaušinio) kvapą. Nesvarbu, ar norite pagerinti geriamojo vandens kokybę, ar apsaugoti prietaisus nuo nuosėdų, kasetiniai mechaniniai vandens filtrai yra patikimas ir veiksmingas sprendimas

Vandens nugeležinimo fitrai

Water deironers for home

Water deironing filters work by oxidizing principle with air oxygen, a traditional method that has been used for decades. Because of the time-consuming nature of the iron oxidation reaction time, the air oxidation filtering method requires separate tanks to provide the necessary contact time between the water passing through the pipe and the air. This is the oldest known method for iron removal. It is used in large urban systems and in the private and manufacturing sectors. As it is the oldest method of water deironing, it has disadvantages. The disadvantage of this method is that this way of removal does not combat efficiency against organic iron. Using the latest technology, our company offers an innovative solution to tackle both organic and ordinary iron. Water iron removal filters that perfectly deal with organic and inorganic iron can be found here.

aktyvuotos anglies granules

Carbon filters for the home

Activated carbon is used to purify and improve water by removing residual chlorine, gases and organic compounds by using its absorption ability. However, the activated carbon media needs to be replaced regularly to prevent the penetration of dirt into the water system.

All of these technologies are important for improving water quality and need to be properly selected according to the characteristics of the supplied water.

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